Convolutional Neural Networks
- Computer vision
- Edge detection example
- More edge detection
- Padding
- Strided convolutions
- Convolutions over volumes
- One layer of a convolutional net
- A simple convolution network example
- Pooling layers
- Convolutional neural network example
- Why convolutions?
Case Studies
- Why look at case studies?
- Classic networks
- Residual Networks ResNets
- Why ResNets Work
- Network in Network and 1 1×1 convolutions
- Inception network motivation
- Inception network
- Using Open Source Implementation
- Transfer Learning
- Data Augmentation
- State of Computer Vision
Object Detection
- Object localization
- Landmark detection
- Object detection
- Convolutional implementation of sliding windows
- Intersection over union
- Non-max suppression
- Anchor boxes
- Putting it together: YOLO algorithm
- Region proposals(Optional)
Face recognition
- What is face recognition?
- One-shot learning
- Siamese network
- Triplet loss
- Face verification and binary classification
Neural Style Transfer
- What is neural style transfer?
- What are deep ConvNets learning?
- Cost function
- Content cost function
- Style cost function
Convolutional Networks in 1D or 3D
- 1D and 3D generalizations of models